Unlimited Tools
One Simple Membership
The Tool Library membership costs $90 per year, and allows borrowing of any tool for a maximum of 7 days.
In addition to the annual membership fee, tools may have a small maintenance fee when borrowed. This fee allows the tools to be kept in good condition for everyone. Typically this fee applies to battery powered tools, and may be in the range of $2 to $10 for larger tools. These fees are listed on the site.
Tools must be returned by 7 days, or late fees will be applied, usually at a rate of 50% of the tool maintenance fee per day, or $1/day for tools with no maintenance fee.

More useful information
How many tools can I borrow at once?
The number of tools is not limited, but we reserve the option to limit a single borrow to $2000 total value (by replacement cost)
Do I have to reserve tools online?
No, you can drop in during open hours and ask for tools at the desk. However reserving will ensure your tool is available, and could save you a trip.
Can I return tools outside of open hours?
No, sorry. Tools must be returned during open hours 3pm to 8pm daily – they can not be left at the desk.
Who looks after the tools?
We do regular maintenance on the tools ourselves, and work with service centres for more extensive repairs.
Can I call to check stock or ask questions?
Yes! But please note the phone is attended during open hours only, on a best-effort basis. The better option is the help ticket system you can email at
What is your refund policy?
We do not issue refunds. We rely on members to manage their own accounts through the site they create their account on. As a small non-profit, any funds we receive are typically used immediately.